Sunday, 17 May 2015

Illustrated Self: Initial Thoughts + Tutorial

To start this brief I made lists of ideas that would reflect my personal progress, and experiences on the course this year. One thing that I feel could really sum up my year, is how my attitude has changed, and how i've become more of a professional minded student as opposed to how I started the year. I am really happy with how the course is going at the moment, as I'm really starting to enjoy the work im making. I've become so much more passionate about illustration, which I feel has grown along with my understanding of what illustration is, and I'm really excited for the challenges that await in second year. 


Based around the idea of being more professional, I used my sketchbook to do some speculative drawing, which actually really helped. Usually I am unable to keep a fully working sketchbook, however this one really helped me through, another way this year has helped me to develop. 

Sketchbook pages

Based on my roughs and sketchbook drawings, I used the cintiq again (guilty) to start creating an idea of what my outcomes might look like. I had an idea of using circle frames and making almost icon-like images. 

"Exhaust your ideas, Manage your time, Get some sleep"

I really like the limited colour palette and the subtle textures in the pieces. However, in terms of communication I don't think they are effective and could be quite confusing. 


Tutorial Comments

  • Images don't work well as icons. Look into illustrative icons.
  • Don't let your cleverness get in the way of communication! (stop showing off)
  • Icons need to work on a large and small scale, consider how you will communicate effectively. 
  • Use sketchbook more before jumping straight on the computer. Sketchbook so far is good, nice pencil work. 
In relation to these comments, I intend to start creating drawings with alot more focus on communicating, as opposed to looking nice. With very simplistic icons, I'm unsure as to whether they will look too simple and cliche, but I will give it a go. 

Illustrative Icons - Google Images

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