Monday, 2 November 2015

Life's A Pitch: Intro + Study Task 3

Notes from the session + Intro to Life's A Pitch

I'm quite excited for Life's A Pitch as I think it will be really useful for giving us an insight into what setting up a business would be like, which is obviously useful for me if it's something I'd be interested in doing after uni. However, in terms of working in a group I am not that excited, as I am not a fan - having said that, I am still willing to give everything my best shot and keep an open mind, as the end product could be something interesting.


From the session I gained an understanding of the different sectors that a service/product/company would fall into, in terms of Primary, Secondary, Tertiary or Quaternary. I found it slightly difficult to get my head around each one, however the notes I made during the session helped me. 

Primary - Extracts from the earth, Raw Materials
Secondary - Turning Raw Materials into Manufactured, Finished Goods
Tertiary - Service Industry,  retail and wholesale, entertainment, media
Quaternary - Intellectual Activities, generation of knowledge, culture, libraries, education, i.t (slightly confused about this one)

Which Sectors do your professional areas of interest fall into?
Publishing & Book Design

Tom Clohosy Cole & Charlie Roscoe - The Red Prince
Childrens Book - falls under Tertiary Sector as it has been created to be sold, and for entertainment purposes. 

Retail & Merchandise

 Caleb Heisey - Folksaga Liqeur Branding
This particular platform of illustration would be referred to as packaging/branding, however it falls into retail and merchandise also. I'd say that these products either fall into the Secondary sector, as they are using raw materials like glass to make their product, or Tertiary sector as once again, these bottles have been designed in order to sell. 

Character & Narratives

Laura Carlin - Inside a rape Trial
This particular piece was created to go along side an article, and illustrates the idea of the victim being the one who feels completely isolated, despite their band of lawyers etc. 
In my opinion, this particular piece falls into the Quaternary Sector as it's purpose is to generate a feeling of empathy, therefore educating it's audience about a certain aspect of Rape Trials. 

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