Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Live Brief - Meeting with St Wilfrids

Today I visited St Wilfrid's school and sixth form in Featherstone, and had a meeting with Chris Slater the head of Business and Marketing for the college. 

I was there discussing an opportunity that my Aunt (who works at the school) put me forward for - A new project focused on creating new marketing material to generate more publicity for the college, and recruit more students for the next academic year. 

At first I was slightly apprehensive to contact them as It sounded like it was going to be quite a web-heavy outcome using html etc, but I still felt that I should go and discuss. Prior to meeting Chris I looked at their website and current marketing material, looking at their current marketing techniques and their core values/mission statement as an educational establishment. 

When discussing with Chris it was so much easier than I thought. He was really concerned with helping me to get something out of the project aswell as helping them which I thought was really nice. We discussed that I was an Illustrator and designer and that i've worked with various platforms - which started our conversation about what actually could be achieved, in recognition of his ideas about why the school isn't recruiting as many people as it should be. I also got a tour of the school to get an idea of facilities and just a general feel for the place. 

We also managed to agree on a brief and deadline, which I will start as soon as possible. 

I'm really excited to be starting this live brief for a client which is actually quite a big deal? I have agreed to do get something to them under the pretence of Extended Practice so I am not being paid for it, however this could be a huge opportunity to build a relationship with a client that could provide me with work in future when I am working professionally. 

ALSO I feel that this is perfect opportunity to start building my design portfolio. 

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