Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Stan Chow

Illustrator - Editorial, Advertising
- Practising for 20 years
- Used to paint but could see technology taking over. Found digital to be a more efficient way of working.
- Through Social Media, he established a print shop, because of high demand for his prints
- His work appeals to a vast audience, Pop culture/Celebrities. VERY in demand.
- He feels he is successful because of his skill in getting the likeness of a person. 
- Doesn't have time to invest in big projects.
- His creative process used to involve sketching, however he finds it easier to go straight to a computer now.
- His favourite pieces are ones with most reduced shape. 
- His most satisfying jobs are the ones 'If he needs more the client, more than they need him' (big companies)
- Illustrate things you want to illustrate otherwise you will get work for things that you don't want to draw / If you do enough of it, you will get noticed!
- His inspirations are comic artists
- He finds that Manchester is a better place for an illustrator, as opposed to London, because there is more time to breathe. Not enough time to focus on being an illustrator in London. 

A really inspiring talk, which I found really eye opening in terms of learning about how different one persons practice can be compared to another. Also the idea of vectors/digital artwork being in high demand, despite the idea of society perhaps getting bored of digital work. 

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