I have been so lucky to have been a part of Off The Page at Colours May Vary, a show featuring all of our prints from 504, based on a range of authors. For the show, I knew that this was going to be the first time my work has been in the public eye(for sale anyway), and so wanted to make my book as successful as possible.
Based on my feedback from 504, I decided to change my book for the show in terms of design choices. I decided to add more aesthetic value to my product by creating a hand printed cover, made of thicker stock in a much nicer shade. Also adding a title and my name to it just seemed like an obvious thing to do, If I was going to be selling work. I also took on board comments from my critique, about the off-white stock choice and old fashioned font that apparently didn't look very effective.
Overall I was much happier with the newer version of my book, despite only being able to product 2 copies for the show - thickness of stock choice made it that I was unable to fold the pages of the concertina neatly, resulting in serious buckling down the sides which looked really unprofessional and not fit for selling.
I also designed a business card to slip into the polybag, should anyone want to buy my book. (at 25 pound I can't see it but you never know). I just made it really quickly using one of my old illustrations from last year, starting to think about my creative presence.
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