The Llama Park is a family attraction located in east sussex, where I have had the pleasure of spending a few days this summer. I was approached by the general manager (also one of my good friends) and asked to use my design skills to create some information signs for the park. Once again, although this wasn't a huge opportunity to practice as an illustrator, It gave me a bit of experience in meeting deadlines and importantly, executing creative work to a professional standard (as I was being paid for it).
My photo from the park.
I began with a simple idea of what the client wanted, examples of existing information boards, which I thought looked a bit crappy. I understand that the function of the board is to provide information clearly, however I felt that could be done in a much more stylish and family friendly way.
Reference Material |
Throughout the process I struggled to give the boards a creative flare (It's a really boring job!) So after countless attempts at trying to organise information, I found that the boards with the most images were obviously more eye catching. I found a way to present the photographs in an exciting way (having their ears poke out of the circle) which the client loved, and found appropriate fonts/colours that matched the environment of the park.
What I came up with:
(and about 25 more)
Although this job was quite boring at times, I admittedly liked the simplicity of it. I honestly didn't feel the need to add my own illustrations to the signs as it would've been way too much work towards something that could be achieved just as easily with photography. So this was a pretty run of the mill graphic design job. I think graphic design is something that I definitely do not want to discard from my practice, even if I am doing a degree in illustration?